What is ‘Ecosystem’?
‘Ecosystem’ is a project aiming to tackle the issue of closed networks in venture and address the barriers to entry for industry ‘outsiders’. The information, tools and community you need to succeed in tech if you are:
a first time-founder looking to raise capital without a pre-existing network of investors
an aspiring/junior VC working to make it big into the industry (learning from #EcosystemGiants ;))
a less experienced operator trying to keep on top of the latest news and trends
Made up of a weekly newsletter (details below) and regular online community initiatives with impressive speakers called #Ecosystem Giants. Get a glimpse by seeing the 2020 highlights. How do you join?
Why subscribe to the newsletter?
The ‘Ecosystem’ newsletter is a practical weekly digest on tech news and early stage fundraising. A selection of the top industry updates (inc what is #trending; the notable fundraising rounds and the latest developments in sustainability tech) and the must-read posts from the founders, funders and operators we all aspire to be like. Straight to your inbox, every weekend.
Sign up to be best informed, build an unfair advantage and join an ambitious group of people, working to drive positive impact in the tech sector in their own ways.
#EcosystemGiants are sessions of practical, actionable advice from leaders, who are redefining the tech investment and entrepreneurship landscape. Subscriber benefits include access to them (and to workshop events), as well as to the archive of recordings.
Who is behind ‘Ecosystem’ and why?
Written by me, Tzvete Doncheva - a former journalist, with experience as a startup operator (first employee at a proptech; details), worked in corporate innovation (at the Bosch-owned urban mobility co-creation hub in London); before going into venture capital (platform role at the VC spin-out of multinational real estate investment manager Round Hill Capital & on the investment side at a Berlin-based supply-chain focused VC firm).
The ultimate aim is to create an ‘Ecosystem’ support network and a forum of knowledge exchange to help democratize access to capital. So we can get to a world where:
more underrepresented founders are funded
more people from ‘non - traditional’ background become successful investors (diversity in capital allocators)
increase the overall diversity in technology
Self-driven and self-funded project. If you would like to support it, you may become an annual subscriber or a founding member.
Is ‘Ecosystem’ only for female funders, founders and operators?
No. While I am a strong advocate to level the playing field for women in tech, support female founders as a mentor/ advisor and as a woman myself, may be putting a stronger emphasis on closing the gender gap in tech; this project is open for all to be part of. In fact, I encourage male investors, founders and operators to join on this journey - and help break existing structures, address unconscious bias patterns and tackle the issues of closed networks in venture. It is a top-down change which can only be achieved through collaboration.
Venture capital is the engine of economic growth - building tomorrow’s innovations today. To design a world meant to work for everyone, we need to have diversity of thought (in all forms) on both sides of the table.